Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Kid's Day Carnival

Last sunday we bring our little one go to Golden Sands Resort for Kid's Day Carnival. The enterence is RM10 for each children, adult is free admission. At first I am very excited to go to this kid's day carnival, but when we arrived there I very dissapointed about this event. There got nothing to see and play, the only things that kids can play is the playground and the Adventure Zone (which is have to pay the hourly charges).

walking to the event

Adventure Zone

very enjoy playing slide

after many rounds of slide, and tired face...... waiting for the crown to make balloon for him

dunno wat Ivan see, but can know tat the kids beside Ivan very interested with him and asking his friend to look at Ivan too..... haha

just notice that 3 fathers have a same style... haha... very cute.

The father and son

very unique key chain

This Ivan not scared at all want to play adults slide, and he is too small to play this slide, need adults to accompany him. he very enjoy with this excited slide, play again and again, sumore wanna go to 90 degree slide.... pangsan*

not scared at all, and be a leader to walk throw this rope bridge

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Bandung Trip ~ 18.10.2010


就是这间 Anggrek Shopping Hotel 啦!为什么叫Shopping Hotel 呢?可能是因为隔壁是Shopping Complex吧!




这些就是小霸王的收获咯!当然这只是一些而已。还有这件Toy Story 3 衣,别看这样,在Buzzlightyer的身体还会有灯亮的哦!!

这是在酒店旁边的Shopping Complex DIY做的牌。很可爱是吧!超超超便宜的,这么一个才马币6元而已!!

Bandung Trip ~ 17.10.2010

第三站(也是最后一站):Pasar Baru, Factory Outlets
吃完早餐,我们就去了Pasar Baru,听说这里有很久的历史啦。我们来这里的目的是要买一些Batik回。而我呢,就想要买Batik给我的老爸。听说这里很便宜哦。Taxi把我们带到这里后,发现真是太多人了。看了都眼花缭乱。
Pasar Baru Trade Center
买完后,本来打算要去下个站了,但我突然想起我还没吃到道地的Mee Baso呢。所以就在路边摊叫了几碗Mee Baso吃。味道好不错,可是就是牛肉丸。那边的牛肉味不知怎么的很重。

这就是Mee Baso的档口啦!

这就是Mee Baso 啦!

吃完后,我们打算再回去Rumah Mode兜一圈。原因大家都还买不够咯。嘿嘿。
我们还在Java Bean 和下午茶呢。


而老公呢,就叫了这杯。应该是Chocolate Milk Shake呱。老公超喜欢Chocolate Milk Shake的。
这就是Angkutan Kota,泰国所谓的Tut Tut

Smirnoff Ice味道不错。



Bandung Trip ~ 16.10.2010

第二站:火山,温泉 (Volcano, Hot Spring)




很kepoh 的小霸王,却对这摊子的矿泉水有兴趣。。哈哈






